
Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids that can cause irritation, redness, itchiness, discharge, and flaking of skin. It is usually caused by excess Staph bacteria on the eyelids but can also be caused by skin conditions such as Rosacea and psoriasis. This condition does not spread from person to person and is treated with antibiotic ointments and lid hygiene. It can become a chronic condition and quite bothersome if not maintained. 

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


Your eye works like a camera; it depends on clear vision through a clear lens. When the eye’s lens becomes cloudy or tinted, this is called a cataract. Cataracts often blur vision and cause glare. You might notice glare most often when driving at night.  You may also notice you require more light while reading. 

Most cataracts are due to normal age related changes to the lens of your eye; however other factors may contribute to the development of cataracts such as diabetes mellitus, certain medications, ultraviolet radiation, smoking, alcohol or nutritional deficiencies. It is very important for you to work closely with your eye care professional for proper monitoring and treatment of cataracts.When activities of your daily life are affected by cataracts, surgery can be performed to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear prosthetic intraocular lens.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!

Contact Lens Solutions

On occasion, patients struggle while wearing contact lenses. They find that the vision fluctuates or the contact is just not comfortable. In most cases, we encourage this type of patient to make sure they are using the most compatible solution for their particular contact lens. By choosing the right solution, comfort and vision will improve.

We now carry Opti Free Proline which includes Opti Free and Clear Care products. We have found that by using this solution instead of a Big Box store generic option, patient satisfaction has greatly increased. Proline bottles are 16 oz instead of the traditional 12 oz and are a great value. 

If you would like more information on contact lenses get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


Hyperopia, or farsightedness, means that a patient has trouble seeing near objects clearly but can often see distant objects. Corrective glasses or contact lenses are needed to clear near objects. Hyperopia is very common at a young age and if severe can contribute to learning issues. It is important to identify significant amounts of hyperopia so correction can be made.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


Myopia, or nearsightedness, means that a patient has trouble seeing distant objects clearly but can typically see near objects well. Corrective glasses or contact lenses are needed to clear distant objects. Myopia can be present at anytime in life.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a result of retinal atrophy in the area responsible for central vision. There are two kinds of macular degeneration; dry and wet. The dry form results in atrophy of the outer retinal layers whereas wet is caused by fluid leakage from new blood vessel growth under the macular area. Dry macular degeneration usually progresses slower than wet, but can still cause major vision compromise. Unfortunately, treatment options for dry macular degeneration are limited but many studies have been done on vitamin supplementation such as anti oxidants and lutein.

These have been shown to slow the progression of mild and moderate dry macular degeneration. Wet macular degeneration has several treatment options which are geared towards reducing leakage from blood vessels. These treatments generally do not improve vision but are intended to maintain current visual capacity. Risk factors include genetics, smoking, UV light exposure, and diets low in carotenoids (found in dark leafy greens).

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


A hordeolum, or stye, is an eyelid gland that has become infected and inflamed. It is usually a swollen, red and painful bump on the lid and may have some resulting discharge. If treated early, the hordeolum will usually resolve without any longstanding issues. Warm compresses and antibiotic/anti-inflammatory ointments are most frequently used but oral antibiotics can be helpful as well. If left untreated, the hordeolum can transition into a Chalazion, which is a non-infectious solid mass that usually has to be removed surgically, or a steroid injection can be given. For people who are prone to hordeolum development, eyelid hygiene with lid scrubs are necessary. 

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


Glaucoma is a condition where intraocular pressure (IOP) is too high and results in damage to the optic nerve in the back of they eye. There can be many reasons why eye pressure can become elevated including trauma, inflammation, reduced drainage etc. When glaucomatous damage occurs, the peripheral field of vision is usually affected first and then begins to move centrally as the condition advances. Treatment usually starts with topical eye drops which help reduce eye pressure. If drops are not successful, laser treatment or surgery are the next options. There can be a genetic predisposition to the development of glaucoma.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!

Diabetic Eye Disease

Type 1 and 2 diabetics can have resulting health complications throughout the body including the eye.  Diabetics have elevated blood sugar levels which can weaken blood vessels. When this occurs in the eye, it results in Non-Proliferative and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. This affects the blood vessels within the retina and can lead to hemorrhaging, fluid leakage, ischemia, and new blood vessel growth. If vision is threatened, a Retinal Specialist is usually consulted for treatment. It is recommended that Diabetic patients have annual eye exams and if issues arise they may need to be seen more frequently.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!


Conjunctivitis results from inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva (the thin clear layer above the white part of the eye). This inflammation can occur from an allergic or chemical reaction or an infection that is the result of a bacteria or virus. “Pink Eye” is a term that has come to encompass any type of conjunctivitis and is often thought to be contagious. In reality, there are very few cases of conjunctivitis that are contagious but those that are can spread quickly and easily. Symptoms of conjunctivitis can include a red irritated eye, burning, itching, discharge, light sensitivity etc. Topical antibiotic/anti inflammatory treatment is usually warranted but the condition can often self limit.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!

Lazy Eye

Amblyopia, or Lazy Eye, usually occurs during early childhood development. In most cases one eye does not reach its full potential and central visual acuity is reduced compared to the other eye. This most often occurs due to eye crossing or a large difference in prescription between the two eyes.

If caught early enough eye care professionals will often prescribe glasses as well as patch the better eye in order to stimulate the amblyopic eye.

This treatment is often successful, but the younger the patient the more likely success will be. It is recommended that children have a comprehensive eye exam in their first years of life to make sure there are no signs of amblyopia.

If you think you have symptoms of this condition, get in touch with us to schedule an exam!